A Court of Fandoms and Exploration - A Podcast.
Your Hosts
Laura has hosted 222 episodes.
Laura currently lives in Germany where she looks at the Alps everyday as she has coffee. Her husband is a scientist and she is an educator. She still wanders around the Alps looking for Prythian. She loves all things YA/Fantasy/Sci-fi (books+shows) and they were the inspiration behind starting this podcast. Her fav YA book is def ACOMAF and fav series Folk of the Air, Shadowhunters, and A Pattern of Shadows and Light.
Goodreads: @acofaelaura
Instagram: @acofaelaura
TikTok: @acofaelaura
Twitter: @ItPretentious -
Jessica has hosted 222 episodes.
Jessica loves traveling, reading & music. She works in entertainment PR, so reading has been a great way to take a step back from what she does, but also apply what she does. She has been grasping at all things ACOMAF/CC since finishing them this year. It has moved and changed her to her core. She always read books, but it was the first time she understood the complete immersion that comes with loving books on a cellular level. She is changed. Laura is the reason she has completely gone down the rabbit hole of the SJM/fantasy realm. She is mad at herself for starting out late in this genre and missing out.