A Court of Fandoms and Exploration - A Podcast.

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

218 episodes of A Court of Fandoms and Exploration - A Podcast. since the first episode, which aired on December 9th, 2020.

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    008. ACOTAR: A Court of Red Flags and Regret

    February 8th, 2021  |  1 hr 3 mins
    fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, kingdom of ash, sarah j. maas, sjm

    Laura Marie and Jessica Marie discuss ACOTAR and Laura uses page numbers to make points. We discuss the fantasy book "A Court of Thorns and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas (SJM) on this fantasy book podcast episode.

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    007. Heir of Fire: "You cannot pick and choose which parts of her to love."

    February 1st, 2021  |  1 hr 12 secs
    adarlan, adventure, assassin's blade, celaena, celaena sardothian, chaol, chaol westfall, crown of midnight, dorian havilliard, erelia, fae, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, heir of fire, kingdom of ash, nehemia, rifthold, sam cortland, sarah j maas, sarah j. maas, sjm, terrasen, throne of glass, ya fantasy

    Laura Marie and Jessica Marie discover Rowan. We discuss the fantasy book "Heir of Fire" by Sarah J. Maas (SJM), which is part of the "Throne of Glass" series on this fantasy book podcast.

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    006. ACOMAF: Our man, the myth, the legend.

    January 25th, 2021  |  1 hr 5 mins
    acomaf, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, kingdom of ash, sarah j. maas, sjm

    Laura Marie and Jessica Marie simp over the fact that he knew the whole time. We discuss the fantasy book ACOMAF (A Court of Mist and Fury) by Sarah J. Maas (SJM) on this fantasy book podcast episode.

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    005. Villains: haters gunna hate hate hate hate hate.

    January 18th, 2021  |  1 hr 1 min
    fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, kingdom of ash, pop culture, sarah j. maas, sjm

    Laura Marie and Jessica Marie discover the sub categories used to describe villains.

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    004. ACOWAR and Batty Daddy Azzy

    January 11th, 2021  |  1 hr 19 mins
    a court of wings and ruin, acowar, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, kingdom of ash, sarah j. maas, sjm

    Laura Marie and Jessica Marie realize communication is important during wartime. We discuss the fantasy book ACOWAR (A Court of Wings and Ruin) by Sarah J. Maas (SJM) on this fantasy book related podcast.

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    BONUS EPISODE 001: Throne of Glass kickoff: “I am Celaena Sardothien and I am not afraid…”

    January 4th, 2021  |  1 hr 13 mins
    adarlan, adventure, assassin's blade, celaena, celaena sardothian, chaol, chaol westfall, crown of midnight, dorian havilliard, erelia, fae, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, kingdom of ash, nehemia, rifthold, sam cortland, sarah j maas, sarah j. maas, sjm, terrasen, throne of glass, ya fantasy

    Special Bonus Episode of Jessica Marie's reactions to the fantasy books Assassin's Blade / Throne of Glass / Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (SJM) on this fantasy book podcast

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    003. ACOFAS: Fluff and spice and Nesta's not nice.

    January 4th, 2021  |  1 hr 8 mins
    a court of frost and starlight, a court of mist and fury, a court of thorns and roses, acofas, acofs, acomaf, acotar, acowar, archeron, azriel, crescent city, elfhame, fae, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, feyre, kingdom of ash, lucien, nessian, nesta, rhysand, sarah j maas, sarah j. maas, sjm, tamlin, verlaris, ya, ya books, ya literature

    Jessica Marie and Laura Marie discuss the fantasy book A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas (SJM) and speculate on A Court of Silver Flames on this fantasy book podcast.

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    002. Crescent City: From bros and toes to hoes and foes.

    December 28th, 2020  |  1 hr 21 mins
    bryce, bryce quinlan, cosplay, crescent city, fan art, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, houseofearthandblood, hunt, hunt athalar, kingdom of ash, sarah j maas, sarah j. maas, sjm

    Listen to Laura Marie and Jessica Marie discuss the fantasy book Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas with a special focus on found family, female friendship, sexuality, male ego, sacrifice, toxic parential figures, frat guys, and more.

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    001. Because who doesn't love an awkward elevator pitch...

    December 21st, 2020  |  47 mins 19 secs
    book, fae, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, fiction, genre, kingdom of ash, sarah j. maas, sjm, ya, young adult

    “Fair warning: Everything the hosts say is explicit, full of spoilers and adult content, and shall not be used against them. They have opinions. Let’s try not to drag anyone for expressing themselves and just have fun for an hour. You deserve it”

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    A Court of Fandoms and Exploration - a podcast

    December 9th, 2020  |  55 secs
    acomaf, actor, aelin, avower, bryce, crescent city, elfhame, fae, fandom podcast, fantasy, fantasy book podcast, fantasy books, fantasy podcast, feyre, fiction, folk, folk of the air, holly black, kingdom of ash, rhysand, sarah j maas, sarah j. maas, sjm, throne of glass, tog, velaris, ya, young adult

    We are your hosts Laura Marie and Jessica Marie and this is A Court of Fandoms and Exploration: A Podcast. Where we will discuss the epic highs and lows of YA literature, fantasy/sci- fi, and the tv shows (old and new) that have made us who we are.